
Skill Building, Land Stewarding, and Climate Resilience

Blooming Echo is a demonstration of how to bring a degraded piece of land back to health and potential. Through reintroduction of fire, brush clearing, selective thinning of the forest, water retention techniques like check dams, food forests, mushroom cultivation and remediation, we regenerate the land while letting the land regenerate our culture.

Through natural earth building techniques, we adapt to a changing climate with climate resilient infrastructure— adobe/cobb earth structures, tree houses, ponds and agroforesty.

Farming, Feasting and Seasonal Rituals

What is more fundamental to human existence than food?  

People and seeds have evolved together.  Agricultural humans have relied on seed bundles passed on for generations, and these seeds were considered sacred gifts from the ancestors and the wild land they came from.

Seed diversity is ever more important with changing climate, and for seeds to remain vital and responsive they need to be grown every year, adjusting to changes in temperature, moisture and soil of each season.  

Every year at Blooming Echo we are plant rare heirloom seeds, focusing on beautiful corn, beans and squash varieties.  These seeds are capable of feeding entire villages and are able to respond to a changing climate season after season.  

Hand in hand with seeds is culture, the rituals and songs, the feasting and seasonal celebrations that hold the seeds sacred, and ensure the tending not only of the seeds, but the earth, air and water that seeds, and humans need to live.

Art, Beauty and Music

What really makes life worth living?
What endures throughout time?
Art, beauty and music.
These are cornerstone values here at Blooming Echo.
Blooming Echo can be thought of as an “earth arts” school. 

Imagine if Meow Wolf was actually planted in the ground — or if an ember of Burningman was caught in a mossy horn and tended to by a quiet spring, it might look like what’s emerging at Blooming Echo.