
Blooming Echo 2025 Calendar

Typically these events are open to friends and family of the Blooming Echo Community. If you’d like to offer an event, or attend one, reach out to us at

  • Monthly: Sweat Lodge and Potluck with Chayo and Tecpa

  • March 21st Equinox Fire Ritual, forest tending

  • April 25-27th Beltane: Spring Ritual Corn Planting Family Weekend Festival

  • April TBD Tending Fire Workshop with Spencer  

  • May TBD Kitchen Love and Family Dance Camp + Martial Arts for kids, led by Laina, Evan and family

  • June 19-21 Summer Solstice San Pedro Journey 

  • October 17-18 Harvest Festival and Ancestor Ritual Family Campout

  • [Dates tbd] Wormhole Boy’s Youth Group led by Spencer

  • [Dates tbd] Treehouse work day with Goat

  • [Dates tbd] Mushroom Magic